Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Hiii people of this place....
if you wanna get loud
put your hands in the air
lets get funky.... I think thats how it goes.
I finally tried a bunch of make up looks and found the perfect one for the hippie. The look I decided on is one that is very simple and natural. I recorded a time-lapse but forgot to press the button till the last look cause I'm.... SMART.
as for the main character... she is going to have a lot of make up in the beginning and towards the end she is going to have a very natural look. I feel like this portrays the idea of being more comftorbale in her own skin,,,
below is the time lapse ...

I know its not  long blog post but it is..... effective?!

alright bye. bye

Thursday, March 26, 2020

so I have realized that going to the beach in the morning is a no go and the lighting in the morning is probably not the best idea. So I think its a better idea to do it at sunset... also my backyard has a very pretty sunset

I am still thinking of where exactly to shoot this...
I think by the water ... is the best vibe.. it portrays this calm feeling that I am trying to achieve... however the light hits very nicely on my patio. The only thing is the windows in the back do give off a strong reflection... so the camera man would be seen. So the best place to shoot is by the water... I can also get a really cool shot of the main character looking into the water ... thus also symbolizing this idea that she is also reflecting within.
Ok good ... new setting established
AWSOME sauce ... later haters
Hiiii .... I completely forgot to order the things I need to film ... so this blog post is about my horrible MEMORY... it’s an actual pain.
However, I’m glad that I did because initially .. I was going to order these Led lights and a smog machine .... but thennnnn I found 

THIS !!!! 

IT IS BOTH A SMIG MACHINE AND AN LED LIGHT FOR THE VERY GOOD BARGANING PROFIT OF 28 dollars... this is awesome ... and will definitely make my movie way betterrrrr.
ANYWAYS... I ordered it and it’s on it’s merry way. Sometimes you have to take one step back to take two forward .

Tuesday, March 24, 2020


so its been a minute ... and things have not gone as I planned... per usual.. I am unable to film without someone who can help me with the camera.. my mother is always working ... my brother...  is annoying. However, I secured a friend who is not in complete quarantine to help me film next week. I have everything planned so We can film really quickly and smoothly.. but I'm not gonna sit around till next week.. so Today I am going to try out different hair- dos... to explore if the vibe matches what my hippie to see what I feel embodies her the best. A few posting ago I posted an inspo pic... of a women with  two braids in the front of her face... which I tried.. here is a time lapse video.

 In this picture... we see some of the components of what I want to incorporate into one of the hippie looks. In the video below we see me trying out various objects until coming across these two... in a previous blog I decided that I wanted to keep the characters costumes throughout the same color ... but realistically... I don’t think that’s gonna happen. I think it can change according to the scene ... so this chill blue can be for the meditating scene.
 This yellow ribbon would look best in the purple room... in the first scene as it contrasts the best with purple. It also works as a good contrast with the vibe of both characters... yellow is very happy which contrasts with blue which is very mellow.

Below is a time lapse of me trying and showing the successful hair-dos ... I’m glad I did this ... so that I can see exactly how much hair is needed the process and such so on the day we film it won’t be that time consuming.

Ok .... bye, bye

Friday, March 20, 2020

So since I've been on the topic of mice-scene and since the filming day is closer and closer... I think it would be smart to establish exactly what I wasn't the scene to look like.. The one I am the most worried about.. Is the Hallucinogen  scene.. I think I have to order a smoke machine and LED lights.. I want to establish a similar vibe seen in club scenes... lost of bright lights.. close up shots... I want a balance between peaceful and hectic.
It is going to take place in the main characters room but the lights and the smoke will completely change the vibe.
As for the conversation taking place in the begging.. i want there to be lots of light... the room I am planning on filming.. has a very large window that I believe will create this very cool against the light type of effect and possibly even symbolize the way she's feeling.. going against the light.. that light being Jesus christ.. a bit of a reach.. but I like to stretch.

ok so here is the window... the other thing also is.. the whole room is a tone of lavender.. which I think I could use to my advantage in the color scheme.. however purples complement is green.. like seen in the previous post green works well with oranges.. i just don't know if that mixture will look the best together.
What I might do... is that.. i might make her change be from blue which I FEEL NICELY COMPLEMENTS ( oops not caps) purple.. to green which is a warmer color and further complements the tones of the room.
I feel this would look cool but then the orange from her friend would look out of place and almost as if its intruding...


I researched what colors work well wiht lavander and found this ..."The tone of lavender employed decides its best complementary colors. Every version of lavender looks bright & crisp with white, while the more purple versions look appealing with orange & lime green. The grayer tones of lavender work best with beige, yellow, golden, magenta & warm browns."

So I would say I AM A genius WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING IT .

Ok bye, bye

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Hi ...
I got a tadaroo distracted with all of the Corona virus and Beach stuff.. I never talked about the friends  wardrobe...
so like I mentioned before... she is the constant throughout this whole film.. figuratively and literally.. her wardrobe is going to be constant throughout as well as the color scheme used. I am not sure if I want her to be the the same color the main character ends up or something on the same spectrum.. I think I want her to wear oranges and browns or maybe just warm in general with.. yellow, brown and orange. I think thats the more viable option because... I doubt my cousin haas a lot of orange clothing.. I have like one pair of pants... and with everything closing.. I definitely won't have the opportunity to go shopping... so i just gotta work with what IVE got..
Inspiration though is...

A lot of the pictures weren't downloading properly... so Im just going to show this.. the dress is beautiful with pinks and orange.. exactly the vibe i am trying to get across.. this picture also inspired me to possibly add lots of braid to her hair and have a nice makeup look as well.. to portray this sense of beauty whereas the main actress would be more messy and less put together in the beginning and more put together at the end.. to portray how she has gotten herself together. While her friend has always been put together throughout the whole film. I am going to try a few look s before filming and will update then... but I'm actually so excited.. apart from seeing the finished product and filming.. I absolutely love costume design... it can really elevate then film.. as well as really embody the  character.. which I absolutely love. 
Bueno.. its been fun.. talk later, 
Bye, bye 

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

so I went to the beach at sunrise to film the meditation scene because my other friend said she could play the friend and it just seemed like the perfect opportunity before things go more to shit.. We went to Dania beach and there were cops blockading the beaches at 6:30 IN THE MORNING... like sir... SIR! No one goes to the beach at 6:30 in the morning... THERE WILL BE ENOUGH SOCIAL DISTANCING... AT A BIG ASS BEACH.
its fine... I'm fine..
why.. because we found a private beach in the back... we were setting up to film and than a ranger with a buzz cut and scary muscles was like... you are not allowed to be on the sand but your can be on the sidewalk... WHAT... THATS LITERALLY THE SAME THING... It fine.. I'm fine..
We found an even more private beach .. SHOUT OUT TO THE HOMIES.. @JHON LOYD.
However... by the time we got to the beach the sun had already risen and it was DRIZZLING.. like GOD DID NOT want me to film.. IT was also super windy and I grabbed the broken tripod instead of my friends good one... In other words... stuff did not go well and I was unable to film anything ... plus I really didn't think it through because it was only two of us and one tripod.. so the shots weren't even gonna be that cinematic lol...

Here are a few shots I took with my phone.. idk if I will be able to use but hey.. here they are

Monday, March 16, 2020

so school was cancelled because of the Corona VIRUS..
some people even say indefinitely
that means ...
Friday was my last day at my high school and I had no idea..
The worst kind of ending is when you don't even know its happening...
Although this does affect my senior high school experience it only kind of affects my film.
Most of my shots were at home and the rest can be changed to be set at my house. The only thing is the family shot.. i might not be able to shoot it but I can just do a close shot of her and put voices in the back... so thats not a problem either. I also convinced my cousin to stay at my house for a week.. so I have both my main characters.. as for my film everything is looking pretty stellar.


I don't have one of the essential parts of my film... I think what I might do is just imply the struggle she feels with her father figure and the implication that she comes to terms with it at the end.. this is also probably going to be with a conversation with her friend.. I actually think this is a better alternative... because the story has always been about her journey with her friend.. and although it was instigated because of her father... it only feels right to end it with her and her friend.

So this blog post.. apart from low-key changing my project is to establish my film schedule..
so my cousin is staying with us this week.. and I am playing the main character... however, I don't have anyone to manage the camera.. and a broken tripod can only do so much.. so I have to wait till "spring break" where my friend offered her services to help film to really start filming.

Draft of what film schedule..

conversation scene- March 24th
Tarot card scene- March 25th
Mediation scene- March 26th
Marijuna scene - March 28th

and the rest are TBH

so ... I will keep you updated ... stay safe.

Friday, March 13, 2020


So my last blog post I talked about color scheme... So I think its only fitting to talk about the costumes... At first.. I didn't think it was going to be that many costumes.. but I am coming realize .. it  is indeed a lot of costumes.. especially because I want the color scheme to gradually change throughout the film... and thats only for one of the main characters... as for the hippie friend.. she will wear the warm colors throughout the whole film. This change in costumes as well as the color scheme is also representative of the characters growth...
Just to give the juxtaposing example..
The main character ( the one going through the awakening)

In the first shot she will wear something like ...
 It is very buttoned up.. closed and blue... which establishes the color scheme I want and the emotion I am trying to get across..
Then throughout the film.. as she goes on her journey she starts to change her wardrobe.. this still contains blue but it is majority brow... a warmer color. Furthermore, it is a dress, which is more open and flowy ... similar to how her mindset is changing.. the wardrobe would change more gradually than the picture above to this ... but this is for example purposes..

At the end of the film we would then see .. something like this.. it is warmer. However, the character is still embracing who she is and where she came from... she is still wearing pants but the pants are flowy and not as tight.. What I want to do is tell the story not just through the plot but through the colors and the progression of her wardrobe.. which would add so much.. i believe attention to detail is everything. 

I will post another blog about her friends wardrobe ... not as exciting but it will help me get my ideas in order.. 

bye, bye 

Thursday, March 12, 2020

yellloooo... ( pun intended)

So I mentioned my color scheme in both of my last posts ... but did not talk about my ideas for the color scheme.
 I was thinking of a very warm color scheme.. oranges, yellows, pinks ... I think this portrays a lot about what I want to get across about the main character... and her journey.
This warmth about her and her journey... this warmth of exploration.. I really like the color scheme shown in this image..

However, I have been kind of on the edge of weather or not I want to progress the color scheme... maybe it starts off with cooler colors.. to represent this idea that she feels isolated and cold.. like she doesn't belong.. then throughout the journey the color scheme around her becomes warmer as she begins to feel more comfortable.. warmer and like she belongs.. I was thinking of starting and ending with a similar shot but with a different tint.. not to drastic but noticeable enough..

I want to start looking into filters... however, I believe that it depends on the color of the setting.. I might do a blog posting about that when I get more footage..

bye, bye

Wednesday, March 11, 2020


so I already have a brief idea of what I want my website to look like but haven't talked about what I want my postcard to look like....

In my research I found that...
Postcard advertisements are used at film festivals to promote the film, and mainly catch the peoples attention. As well as invite more of the public to view the film. These post cards for short films are very important since, typically short films are made on a  low budget. These help promote and sell the film.
I found that its important that...
When creating a postcard advertisement, it is important to remember ...It is often the first time someone is hearing about the film. Therefore, the poster should be designed in a manner that is instantly eye-catching and enticing.

For my film I would like to keep it with the same color scheme and vibe as the website... that being simple and eye catching... I found a few examples that I particularly like and I think could inspire my postcard. 

I really like not only the simplicity of this post card but the emotion that it portrays... I feel like thats the shot I would use on my postcard..something that makes people feel something. 
Apart from that I feel like the negative space here is very effective... it draws attention to the tittle as well as keeping attention on what I assume are he main characters... I would very much like to and have been thinking about using negative space in a lot of my shots for the website, this post card and my film..

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

so all of my past blogs have been about the film itself and I haven't really focused on the other two aspects of the project. That being the website and the postcard. For this post I want to focus on the website.
I then began to research... and I found a website discussing what exactly NOT TO DO when creating a website. I actually liked this because, its such a creative task.... it helped me to rule our what not to do or the mistakes I can evade.
The website that was the most useful was...


The part of this article that was the most useful was this photo actually...

It allowed me to realize that I wanted something simple and that should follow the rule of something "image driven", that grasps the audiences attention and looks good and clean. 

I work the best on paper thus I decided to draw it on paper ... 
here are a few of my ideas 
*Note... most of my website ideas revolve around the image above* 

Basically what this image shows is the layout I want my website to have... similar to the inspiration image, it the separation boxes above into ( Home, Trailer, About and Film)

From what I learned on the webpage... it is to make everything very visible and accessible, especially the trailer page...thus the home page will include a a trailer button.

overall, I want to make my website very simple and interactive... with possibly animation.

Sunday, March 8, 2020

for this posting I am going to discuss the weed scene

for this scene I want it to be a compilation of various things... I want them to be dancing, asking each other random questions, touching stuff..

I would begin with them being surrounded by smoke ( how i am going to do that .. I have no idea) then them coughing and giggling... it would switch to them dancing very slowly..then them touching each other hair, then laying in random positions and asking questions... then them giggling again.. the most important thing here is the editing and the music.

I am currently looking for royalty free music that juxtapose each other to match the mood of each of these parts of this scene.

I am also purchasing these LED lights change color and I feel make the scene

As for their wardrobe... I want it to progressively get worse (weirder)... to show the progression of how high they are ... similar to what they are wearing in the picture above.. cohesive yet odd. 

Saturday, March 7, 2020

whats popinnnn????
so now that I have established the end and the begging I want to go into detail for each scene. I am first going to discuss the meditation scene.

Location: The beach ... hopefully at sunrise

rough thought...

It will begin with the sound of the two girls going ummmmm... and show them both eyes closed and focused..then we hear the friend saying
"I need you to clear your mind and focus on the silence... I want you to focus on the sounds of the waves crashing...as they lap against the sand.. I want you to imagine you are the ocean and the sand...and i want you to feel how you crash into yourself... that internal conflict you feel..i want you to focus on the silence...not anything else...UMMMMMMMM..
-brief silence
"Want you to feel as the air touch's your face... how the sand feels
main character: how can I clear my mind and focus on the silence if you are always talking
friend: breath in, breath out

The main character will be wearing funny tee-shirt that says "zen vibes only" while the other will be wearing something very flowy and hippie like.

I feel like the comedy in this ... is this idea of trying to find silence when she is continuously talking...But I still have to chew on this idea to see if I come up with something more comical.

Friday, March 6, 2020

so before I go into detail of how I want each discovery scene to go down.. I want to discuss what I want to do with the begging and the end.

Its starts with the main character sitting at the dinner table while someone is saying prayer, she looks bored, unamused.. she is looking around and paying attention to everything except the prayer.. here is then when we here the first line of the conversation is heard...so the audience thinks that its the main character pondering at the dinner table when actually it allows a transition into the next scene.

The ending is the same shot as the opening except the character has a different costume on and when they pray she closes her eyes and smiles.. here we hear a voice over of her coming to terms with the religion she was granted.

I think this allows for a full circle type of moment and portrays this idea of ...journey and exploration yet has a resolution.

similar to something like this... with low-key lighting and an emphasis on the main character... i would possibly have more people at the dinner table but it depends..

Thursday, March 5, 2020

so in my last posting I discussed my research into different types of religions and their rituals... I now come to realize that although my film is about exploring religion that doesn't necessarily  mean it has to be apart of a specific religion it just has to be associated with spirituality.
I have found that I want to work with
- meditation
-spiritual readings ( tarot cards)
- weed
In my later posting I will discus each one, why I choose it and how I envision it in my film. For now i want to establish more of a structure to my film. I feel like it is very disorganized and is going to have trouble following, thus I had this idea of it being lead or guided by a conversation between the main character #1 and her hippie friend #2. The conversation would go a little like this...


#1 "I have heard the same prayer for my whole life, I have just closed my eyes and followed blindly. I feel like I never choose to be christian, i was kind just born into it.
#2 Then why don't you choose it
#1 what do you mean
#2 Decide weather you want to follow this faith or not... explore things outside of your religion and see how you feel.
#1 like what exactly
#2 I mean, I have been getting really into meditation and energies... I think you would be into it
#1 yeah... ok


(they discuss how people can achieve that state of relaxation with such a busy mind... leads into weed)


( Talking about problems... friends advises that she has something that can help guide her .. tarot cards)


This makes the main character want to connect with the spiritual world more... shrooms)



Sunday, March 1, 2020

so I was thinking about the religious experiences that my main character is gonna have and found that they are all very similar. All rooted in hallucinogens or something to that degree. So I tired to find rituals or practices that other religions do that does not involve hallucinogens. I found nothing...
unless i want to film canabalism ...
something called spiritual comedy
confused ... laughing is apart of a religion nvm... its people making fun of religion

I still have a lot of research to do...
I'm excited to announce that I have found my hippie character my cousin veronica and I think I am going to be the main actress. That way I know this time around no one will bail last minute.
I am trying to plan a day where my whole family can sit down for dinner and be recorded. However, I am worried that because my grandfather is actually a priest he would somehow be bothered by the idea behind the film or bothered that I would record him praying but hopefully not. It may sound stupid but my grandfather is a complicated man.
so thats, that for cast....

Next weekend, I am planning on filming the magic mushroom scene.
cause drugs
I found that magic mushrooms are often associated with spiritual experiences and self-discovery. which is perfect for the message I am trying to get across. I also found that many believe that naturally occurring drugs like magic mushrooms, weed, and mescaline are sacred herbs that enable people to attain superior spiritual states.... I think two scenes before this... she should do weed. She was skeptical about doing this but since weed and mushrooms are closely associated it convinced her. I found that mushrooms have been reported to induce anxiety, frightening hallucinations, paranoia, and confusion. So i am going to try to portray this fear while she is under the influence that eventually leads her back to her faith.
so its going to begin
with the hippie friend pulling out a bag with a mushroom ( the wild ones... the actual look like drugs) then they both take a bite and lay down. Then everything goes wild. I want to do a similar shot like in euphoria where she is under a blanket, then a shot of them dancing very slowly, then a shot of her freaking out, then a shot of them laughing, then a shot of her in a ball saying "I need to wake up", then them eating Cheetos, then a shot of her praying. I feel like the organization of the shots like this will add a humorous effect that I want.
So I was sitting in class and I had an epiphany... in terms go what exactly I want to film
I want the short film to start with a long shot, perspective of the girls family sitting at the dinner table, then I want it to move down the table into a close up of her grandfather  saying a prayer in Spanish. The camera moves around the table doing a lose up on all the members of her family till stopping at her. Her grandfather says amen and her eyes open.
The next shot is a mid shot of her and her mom in the kitchen doing the dishes, they have a conversation about religion, ultimately ending with this idea that her mother never felt forced into her religion but she choose it .
The next shot is of the main character on the bed with loud music on as she hangs her head off of her bed as she ponders looking at a poster of Jesus. ( maybe a little to much)
The next shot is of her and her hippie friend walking into school or in the car talking about the main characters revelation.
The next shot is them planning everything they want to explore.
- magic mushrooms
-weird teas
-a preaching of some sort
The next couple of shots would be them doing all of these things but ending with the mushrooms and her realizing that she feels comfortable and safe in the confines of her religion.
(I actually came to this end during our class discussion... everyone was very helpful and engaged)

This is it :( My CCR