Sunday, March 1, 2020

I'm excited to announce that I have found my hippie character my cousin veronica and I think I am going to be the main actress. That way I know this time around no one will bail last minute.
I am trying to plan a day where my whole family can sit down for dinner and be recorded. However, I am worried that because my grandfather is actually a priest he would somehow be bothered by the idea behind the film or bothered that I would record him praying but hopefully not. It may sound stupid but my grandfather is a complicated man.
so thats, that for cast....

Next weekend, I am planning on filming the magic mushroom scene.
cause drugs
I found that magic mushrooms are often associated with spiritual experiences and self-discovery. which is perfect for the message I am trying to get across. I also found that many believe that naturally occurring drugs like magic mushrooms, weed, and mescaline are sacred herbs that enable people to attain superior spiritual states.... I think two scenes before this... she should do weed. She was skeptical about doing this but since weed and mushrooms are closely associated it convinced her. I found that mushrooms have been reported to induce anxiety, frightening hallucinations, paranoia, and confusion. So i am going to try to portray this fear while she is under the influence that eventually leads her back to her faith.
so its going to begin
with the hippie friend pulling out a bag with a mushroom ( the wild ones... the actual look like drugs) then they both take a bite and lay down. Then everything goes wild. I want to do a similar shot like in euphoria where she is under a blanket, then a shot of them dancing very slowly, then a shot of her freaking out, then a shot of them laughing, then a shot of her in a ball saying "I need to wake up", then them eating Cheetos, then a shot of her praying. I feel like the organization of the shots like this will add a humorous effect that I want.

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This is it :( My CCR